Happy Day!
For this episode we took a little trip to Dearborn Heights to visit the new STEP Thrift Store. STEP is a company that serves adults with disabilities and mental illnesses as they try to gain employment in their respective communities. The STEP Thrift Stores employ these adults (with an hourly wage at or above minimum wage) and also trains them to have the skills needed to work retail jobs outside of the stores. All items sold there are donated from the public and all money made from the sales pays the employees to work and staff to train them. It is a very good company providing a very needed service.
Anyway, Granny, Chris, and I loaded into the Neon (the Granny-mobile) and drove there for a visit. We also stopped at Del Tacos to grab a bite to eat. The first part of the episode is recording our conversation there. In that one, among other topics, Chris talks about his public speaking class and gets deep into a tough story of unrequited love (in a fun way). I, honestly, cannot recommend listening to that story enough. It is quite touching. In the second part, we discuss our experiences at the store as we took our own modern day treasure walk through it...
The audio is a bit suspect, due to it being recorded in a moving car and Granny being in the backseat, but it is good enough to share. Lots of love. Enjoy!