Treasure Talks Podcast
Thank you for visiting Granny's page. This page will be dedicated to information concerning the "Treasure Talks with Granny" series that she and I are conducting. I will chime in periodically with thoughts and comments about each recording session and/or Granny memories/stories.
Episode 63: The wine and dine-cast
Happy Day! We are back with a two parter today. First we share a meal and Chris tells some stories of finding love. Then we sit down and talk about memories (including a few of Mr. Wonderful...) A fun time indeed... Enjoy!
Episodes 61 and 62: Memories and Technical Difficulties
Happy Day(s)! We are back, after a long hiatus, with two new episodes. Sadly, we had a couple of technical difficulties with Episode 61, but I was able to smooth out and salvage most of it. There are a few noticable jumps in time on it, but I transition through them with some bumper music provided by Scott Silsbe. In Episode 61 we talk in depth about Uncle Dave's passing, his memorial service, and we give tribute to his life through stories.... In Episode 62 we discuss greater purposes in our lives and other light topics... A couple of fun times indeed. Loves ya all! Enjoy!
Episode 60: Follow up letters
Happy Day! We are back with discussions on letting go of the past... Chris has an incoming and an outgoing letter for/from the mailbag... Stephanie dicusses the upcoming school year. A good time indeed. Enjoy!
Episode 59 Granny's new Friend Sylvia
Happy Day! We are back with a fun one. We get introduced to Granny's new best friend. Chris and I discuss the wonder of Get a Life. We talk about what we love. Lots of laughter A good time indeed. Enjoy! Oh and we discuess the family reunion, the video of Joe running the camera will be with the Facebook post...