June 11th 2015, Granny, Chris, and I sat down and recorded the first episode of the Treasure Talks podcast series. We are working out the kinks, but I think this was a fun conversation. We discuss my interview with Monica from her house, weekly triumphs, a parable of the week, Granny's thoughts on the 90th birthday party, Chris' future plans, and much more. I have the abbreviated version of my interview with Monica here as well (a big thank you to her for being the first to do it.) Enjoy! Feel free to leave comments/questions/suggestions. We love communicating with friends and family.
Treasure Talks Podcast
Thank you for visiting Granny's page. This page will be dedicated to information concerning the "Treasure Talks with Granny" series that she and I are conducting. I will chime in periodically with thoughts and comments about each recording session and/or Granny memories/stories.